In Conversation--Marjorie de Muynck

Staying in Tune--Marjorie de Muynck Sound Healer and musician Marjorie de Muynck ( pronounced Monk) recently published Sound Healing (Vibrational Healing with Ohm Tuning Forks ). I have found this book to be user-friendly and easy to follow. The book is loaded with a wealth of vibrational and sound information and it comes with an instructional DVD. The following conversation took place via e-mail. WME: You are performing fascinating healing work with tuning forks based on musical concepts and vibration. What were the main turning points in your life that led you to exploring healing musical vibrations and working with tuning forks? MM: I’ve been fascinated with tuning forks since I was a kid. My father gave me my first tuning fork back in 1963 to tune my guitar and being an explorative child I sounded the tuning fork on my body. This was before modern tuning forks were used in this manner so it was clearly explorative. Over the last few decades there have been findings t...