
Showing posts from 2018

The Practice--Musical Practices in the Aquarius Age

I've been wondering about music uses for the Aquarius Age. This new age represents energy, frequency, and let's add, intent. As we grow more consciously aware of the healing power of music and sound therapies, how do we take this information into practice? What do we need to focus upon? Here is information that is being downloaded for me at this time. Lyrical Content Since virutally anyone on a spiritual path these days has heard about the power of words then why are people still using shock words or profanity? And why are they marrying these low-vibrational words to musical frequencies and contours (harmonies, chords, notes, etc)? The words we speak and the words we sing matter. Many choruses in songs repeat phrases and these phrases act like hooks in our brain often lasting through the course of a day. Not only that, the phrases become like mantras. So, are we singing about our Divine Connection and spreading love in the world or are we listening to, "Like a Vir...

Music Consciousness & My Journey of the Past Years

Perhaps having Neptune transiting in my second astrological house led to a dissolution of my work with music consciousness. For ten years, I researched music from around the world as a journalist and as a musician. Dr. Emoto's work with water crystals and discovering the power of classical music sparked this work.  However, in recent years, I needed to find other ways to make a living, I found myself living between homes and my stress levels reached a crescendo so I lost the thread of my original work. On top of all that, my book, Whole Music ended up taking a different route than I originally intended. The first publishing with a small hybrid publisher was a fiasco. Then, I found an agent to represent the book, but she was unable to find an editor to publish it. This caused me grief. And I wasn't sure where to go with music research. I wasn't earning any money from the work that ate up 40+ hours a week of my time. I ended up homeless and hopeless. Even my Go Fund Me...

The Practice--Use Music to Enhance Daydreams

Image Many of us were told as children to stop daydreaming. I only pretended to stop. While some people find daydreaming a form of laziness or believe that people who daydream will never amount to anything, daydreaming is a form of creativity. It's how we incubate projects or even solve personal problems. True, daydreams provide an escape from challenges and harsh situations. And there is the right time and the wrong time to daydream such as we don't daydream while we drive in traffic or perform detailed work. But for us creative types, daydreaming represents a form of brainstorming. When we daydream we expand upon what we believe is possible. Daydreams also show us our heart's desires. When we combine listening to music with daydreaming we create a powerful conduit for manifestation. However, we need to listen to music that matches frequencies with our desires. So, if our desire would bring us joy, then we listen to joyful music while we engage our imaginatio...