The Practice--Finding the Next Best Thought Using Music
Photo by Patricia Herlevi I found the work of Abraham-Hicks a boon in my life. Not only that, the practice of aligning with the Vortex or the Source has shown me that all music plays a part in climbing up the emotional scale. For the following exercise we will travel from depression/hopelessness to hope using four songs found on YouTube. I came up with this concept after watching a Teal Swan video about Spiraling Negativity I watched on YouTube. She borrowed Abraham-Hicks' emotional scale in finding the better feeling mood. If we feel depressed we can't take the leap to happiness. This is why telling someone in despair to think positive thoughts proves impossible. You can't get there from there as Abraham tells us through Esther Hicks, just like you can't get from Boston to San Francisco without traveling the route. So I'm using the example of a relationship breakup which leaves most people in despair unless they're one of the rare folks that ...