
Showing posts from April 27, 2014

Announcement: Whole Music article appears in The New Spirit Journal

An excerpt from the introduction of my book Whole Music appears as an article in the May 2014 Issue of The New Spirit Journal.   Read the article, A Healing Music Journey. NSJ is also free at various locations throughout Washington State.

The Practice--Creating a Power Song Kit

Does Wonder Woman have Power Songs? Wikipedia The phrase "save it for a rainy day" comes up when I think of Power Song kits.  This phrase refers to putting extra money in the bank, but it can also refer to having a list of songs to fall back on when a bad mood strikes. I actually came up with the idea of creating a Power Song kit post 9-11 when I had trouble sleeping at night.  Like many others, I wasn't just dealing with my fears, but all the fears around me which I soaked up like a sponge.  At that time, I found myself reaching for particular recordings, usually featuring world music and usually featuring women vocalists, but not always.  From these recordings I put together a list of songs to listen to during stressful times. On the list, I included Sharon Burch, Monica Salmaso, Arianna Savall, R. Carlos Nakai, Nawang Khechog and others.  Oddly, Mozart hadn't appeared on my radar yet so classical wasn't on my original list.  That list transformed...