
Showing posts from August 23, 2009

In review--Passions of Paganini

Thomas Zehetmair Niccolo Paganini--24 Capricci ECM New Series I became a fan of Niccolo Paganini back when I took a history of Western music class in college. The fiery and bombastic qualities of the Romantic Era composer and violinist's work dovetailed with my rebellious late teen personality of that time. And throughout the years I remained a aficionado of Paganini. I recall hearing a line from Kate Bush's Violin referring to Paganini and later, watching the Canadian film, The Red Violin , again I felt goosebumps listening to the Paganini-like soundtrack. Paganini had a reputation of being a devil with an enchanting fiddle. True to the era in which he performed music, he certainly knew how to work emotions with a bow and strings. Mostly I have heard the 19th century composer's concertos, so it is refreshing to hear his solo violin work performed by Viennese conductor/chamber musician Thomas Zehetmair take up this challenge. And this collection of caprices f...