
Showing posts from December 29, 2013

The Practice--Listening to the Feminine Voice

As a woman, I gravitate to the musical voices of women and I can say I have always done that.  And you would think that all women would support women musicians by purchasing recordings, attending concerts and passing the word on about women artists to friends, but this isn't always the case.  When I first became interested in pursuing a career as a songwriter and vocalist back in the early 1980s, there were actually few female role models leading bands and writing their own songs compared to the number of bands led by men and even when conversations among women came up about music, the women would mention their favorite male performers. Yet for me, I needed the tenderness and vulnerability of women songwriters because they spoke my emotions for me, whereas, even the most sensitive men musicians did not.  And of course, I had my favorite male-led bands and singers too because we all need the balance.  As time went on, I noticed more women supporting women bands an...

The Practice--Power of Words in Shaping Reality

The Beatles, Wikipedia, All You Need is Love If you practice metaphysics or consider yourself new age then you are familiar with the power of words.  Similar to music, words contain vibrations and those vibrations shape our perceptions of reality.  I have also noticed that when you listen to a particular song, you carry the vibration of that song in your body, not to mention the effects are amplified each time your brain repeats the melody and words of the song. Some people don't care about the "reality" they create and they also don't wish to take responsibility for what they create with their words, thoughts, emotions and perceptions.  I'm not addressing that crowd.  I prefer to address those of you who are on the road to mastership of co-creating and prefer to empower yourself with words, music, and sound vibrations.  Most of us may never reach mastership, but why not take the journey anyway and grow more conscious each day on the journey? As a musici...