In review--Sensitives grow roots
I'm posting the following book review here because people with accute sensitivities respond well to music therapy and sound healing. In addition, musicians are also sensitive and can benefit from the wisdom presented in this book. Dr. Judith Blackstone Belonging Here A Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person Sounds True Where was Dr. Judith Blackstone and Dr. Judith Orloff (who also writes about sensitivities), back in the 1990s when I began experiencing acute sensitivities? Back in the 1990s the concept of sensitivities, especially environmental sensitivities were seen as a neurosis of hysterical housewives. This did not help me in employment where my employers saw me more as a troublemaker than a sensitive person with talents and useful skills. I did not enjoy living in my body due to the abuse I suffered daily because of my sensitivities and it wasn’t until I took a workshop at the Women of Wisdom conference in Seattle that I learned about...