The Practice--Intent, intent, intent...
photo by Patricia Herlevi I watched Jonathan Goldman’s 2004 DVD Healing Sounds (Program 1)-- Sacred Mysteries last night. In this DVD, Jonathan mentions that frequency + intention = healing. I have come across several articles and books on the frequency aspect of this equation, but not enough research on intention. It is not a coincidence that in ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations that musicians and sound healers went through rigorous training and were initiated into their musical roles. These musicians learned about the power of sound, frequency, and intent, along with the power of words. Yet, how many educators these days know anything about this power? As a writer and as a musician, my teachers did not teach me about this hidden power in music, at least not the ones, outside of the new age arena. I plan on founding a music cooperative in the Bellingham, Washington area where these aspects of sound and music will be taugh...