
Showing posts from December 18, 2011

FYI: Observation on the Psychology of Music by the Author of "Brand Sense"

  The Sound of Music Recently I self-published my second novel, "Agnes et Yves" on Create Space.  This lead me to the library to check out books on marketing.  I ran across Martin Lindstrom's "Brand Sense" and found this section on the psychology of sound and music.  Here is a quote. "A fascinating experiment once took place in a small Australian village. Local residents, alarmed by the increase in street crime got together and decided that the best way to confront the problem was to remove the offenders from the main street at nightfall. Instead of taking the more traditional more-police, greater security, and tough-on-crime stance, they chose to play classical music.  Every single block began piping out sounds of Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms.  In less than a week, the town reported a dramatic decrease in crime." Closer to home, the Bellingham Police piped out classical music around the bus station downtown.  It did decrease loiteri...

FYI: The Barefoot Diva Passed On (she will be dearly missed)

Cesaria Evora, the Cape Verdean singer, also known as “the barefoot diva,” passed away on Saturday, December 17th (at 11:45 am local time) at Baptista de Sousa hospital in Mindelo Cape Verde, as announced by Cape Verdean minister of culture Mario Lucio Sousa. The world famous singer died at 70 on her native island of Sao Vicente about three months after retiring from the stage. She had been suffering health issues for a while and had had a few surgeries over the past few years, including an open-heart operation in May 2010. “I don’t have the strength, the energy anymore. I want you to tell my fans that I’m sorry but I have to rest now. I am sorry I have to retire because of health issues. I wish I could have given pleasure to those who follow me for much more time” she had told French newspaper Le Monde when she announced her retirement last September 23 rd . She was in good shape on stage at the Parisian venue Grand Rex in April 2011 but her unhealthy heart, which had fai...