
Showing posts from December 22, 2013

The Practice--Play Children's Songs

Mary Poppins movie, Wikipedia We have many tools to deal with stress when it comes to musical vibration.  One way to deal with stress is to temporary distract ourselves by allowing us some playtime.  As adults we are usually bent out of shape by matters of consequence and matters of no consequence as the Little Prince character once told us.  And recently,  intuitive life coach Sonia Choquette and her daughter reminded us of how important fun and play are for our lives (in a e-newsletter). So with all that in mind, I'm bringing you some childhood music gems from bygone eras.  By the way, you can listen to this music with adults, alone or with children.  You can sing along, whistle or dance to the songs if you prefer.  Whatever you decide, engage with the music beyond just listening to the songs.  And then when you have had your fun listening session that will no doubt keep you surfing YouTube for a good plus hour, write down the physical, em...