In review--Fantastico Fazioli!
Benjamim Taubkin Piano Masters Series vol. I Adventure Music Fazioli pianos represent the Rolls Royce of keyboards. Designed and produced in Italy, this particular piano is out of the price range of non-millionaires. I had heard of Fazioli pianos, but never actually heard one until Benjamim Taubkin’s performance as part of Adventure Music’s Piano Master Series . As far as I can tell, a variety of pianists were set up in the Fazioli Studio in New York City and the results I’m certain will delight even the most discerning tastes. Marrying gifted pianist/composers with these gorgeous sounding instruments proves ingenuous. As a lover of pianos I have found great pleasure in immersing myself in Taubkin’s music. I feel spoiled by such pleasure. As I listened to the recording I thought that Taubkin must give himself goose bumps when he composes this ethereal music. I know I was feeling chills running up and down my spine while listening to this collection of songs. The melody ...