
Relocation Crowd Fund UPDATE

I moved to Vermont in April of 2022 and then I eventually ended up in Pittsburgh. I've not been able to do my work here for whatever reason. And I've been slowly recovering from Lyme. So, now, I'm raising funds to return to Washington State. Your donations will support a road trip and also the cost of a relocation cube, $2,636. The road trip happened but I still owe the money for the relocation cube. And now, I also have to pay for storage for the cube in Washington State. And I need to raise money to rent a room in a shared house. Thank you for your kind and generous support. With your help, I'll be able to return home and eventually set up a sound therapy and Reiki studio for animals and their people. DONATE Thank you

Light Code Activation with the 50th Anniversary of the Movie Godspell

  Around Easter, I clicked on videos for Godspell (1973 movie) and I suddenly felt uplifted. Since that time, I have watched the videos and listened to the songs and they have been healing for me. I broke my ankle in April and I was isolated and alone in my apartment for around 8 weeks. And during that time, the songs from Godspell have acted as a healing balm for me. I also noticed in the comment section of the videos that other people are flocking to the videos and saying that the songs are healing for them now and in the past. Then when I was waking up in a meditative state, I heard my spirit guides telling me that Godspell has light code activations and was meant to activate listeners at this time--50 years after the movie was made, as we are at the entrance of the Aquarius Age. 

Alert Whole Music (Soul Food for the Mind Body Spirit) is an Unpublished Book

 If you see if for sale on websites, don't purchase it. These companies are selling my book and not paying me royalties. They are also selling an outdated version of the book. I just found the book for sale on the Book Depository and it looks like this was done through KDP (Amazon). I had contacted Amazon several times to remove my titles from its sites but obviously, Amazon enjoys ripping off authors.  Save yourself grief and never self-publish your books with Amazon, KDP or any of its associates.  Whole Music was originally published by a hybrid publisher who uploaded the book onto Amazon and KDP in 2013. I went through the Attorney General of Washington State and had the contract with the hybrid publisher voided. Then the book was removed from Amazon and KDP. But I don't think Amazon or KDP got the memo. I spent 10 years of my life as a journalist researching music and six months interviewing musicians and authors to write the book. Amazon didn't do the research, they di

The Return of Mozart (A Channeled Session on Vimeo)

 Not many people who visit this site also visit Whole Music Experience on Vimeo. But there are some fabulous videos on there if you want to hear what the ghosts of musicians have to share with us. Today, Mozart returned with an earful. Some of it was biographical, personal, and other information was metaphysical and musical. LINK

Journey into Sound Therapy

In 2012, I wrote a book on the healing power of music called Whole Music. This book was a companion to this blog which I launched in 2007 as a college assignment. Little did I know at the time that the blog would still be receiving traffic in 2022. Thank you for your return visits. When I researched the topic of music and sound as therapy; and when I interviewed sound therapy experts and musicologists, I had no idea I would become a sound therapist myself. I thought of myself as a researcher and music journalist. I also didn't know that I would become a Reiki Master. The Divine knew though and led me on this path. While the pandemic and the lockdowns were troublesome for many, I used that time to learn new skills even if I did it online. I suddenly had stimulus money and since I lived with my parents, I had no bills to pay. I enrolled in online Reiki, sound therapy, and other types of therapy classes. I spent $1.5K on sound healing tools, mainly tuning forks and flutes. And I wish

Favorite Music That Impacted My Emotions

  I t's been a long while since I shared a musical post with you. Today, I'm thinking about music that blew my mind or caused me to swoon. I have heard thousands of songs during my life time from various genres. And every song leaves an impression but not as big an impression as the following ten songs. 1). Prelude to the Afternoon of the Faune by Claude Debussy I heard this song the first time when I was on college break. I was bored and I rummaged through my mother's record collection. Since I had taken a music appreciation class I wanted to listen to classical music even though I was more into rock music. I found the record with Claude Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of the Faune. Not knowing what a faune was and what a prelude to the afternoon might entail, I placed the record on the old-fashion turntable. When the first strains of the harp came through the speakers I nearly fainted because the music was sheer beauty to my ears. Two decades later, I rediscovered

Sound Healing Wed to Astrology

  Marrying astrology to sound healing isn't new. Ted Andrews in his book, Sacred Sounds connected the notes of the Western scale with the astrological signs on a Zodiac Wheel. What I'm proposing is using planetary tuning forks (frequencies as opposed to musical notes) to unleash tension in a Natal Chart. This is just a launching point to exploring the intersection between the Natal Chart and sound healing. Let's use my Natal Chart as an example. While you can't see the lines on this Solar Return chart, it contains a Mutable T-Cross with the Saturn and the Moon in Pisces in the 2nd House opposing Uranus/Pluto in Virgo in the 8th House and Mars in Gemini in the 5th House squares everything. As you can see I'm in my 50s now and this T-Cross has provided me suffering (power struggles) and pitting myself against authority figures. So, how can I work with the flowing aspects in this chart using tuning forks? Well, one thing I could do is to apply the Jupiter tuning fork b